Owning a home comes with many different maintenance needs. Many of them are easy to spot, but a broken sewer line is much more difficult and it can be a serious problem that requires immediate attention.
Your sewer line is buried beneath the ground, which makes it difficult to detect if there are any problems. Fortunately, there are other signs you can look for to determine whether or not you should call a sewer line repair service. In this blog, we’ll go through some of the most common signs of a broken sewer line.
1. Bad Odours
It goes without saying that sewage smells really bad. However, you generally shouldn’t be detecting that kind of odour on your property. If you do smell sewage odours, it can be one of the first signs of a break in your sewage line. Pay attention to any unusual smells and call a sewer line repair service to find and fix the break.
2. Pests Are in Your Home
Insects and rodents can travel through sewer lines, so if you see them inside your home, it may mean there’s a break in your sewer line somewhere. A leaking line is a perfect environment for insects to breed. If you’re suddenly dealing with a lot of bugs, that may mean a broken sewer line.
3. Slow Drains
It’s true that isolated clogs are common in any home, so a slow drain doesn’t necessarily mean a broken sewer line. However, if you’re noticing that all the drains in your home seem clogged or slow to drain, that may indicate deeper issues, such as a broken sewer line.
4. Unusually Lush Patches of Lawn
Fecal matter is a natural fertilizer. That means a sewer line leak under your lawn can cause it to grow greener in some spots. However, sewage also contains bacteria, which will end up destroying your landscaping if you don’t call a sewer line repair service to remedy the issue.
5. Indentations in Your Lawn
Sewage leaking beneath the lawn can cause the soil to erode and become displaced. That leads to the top layer of soil sinking. If you are starting to notice indentations in your lawn, that may mean you need to call a professional to check for a break in your sewer line.
6. Cracks in Your Walls
A leaking sewage line beneath your house can cause the earth beneath your home to shift. That kind of movement can cause cracks in your walls, which is quite a serious problem. If you notice cracks in your walls, you should address the issue immediately before it causes structural and foundation damage.
Black Forest Offers Sewer Line Repairs
If you are noticing the signs above and you suspect you have a broken sewer line, you should call the pros at Black Forest. We offer sewer line cleaning and sewer line repairs, allowing you to sit back and relax knowing that the problems are taken care of. We have been taking care of plumbing problems throughout the GTA and York Region since 2009, including in Toronto, Newmarket and Barrie. Contact us today to request a quote.